Thursday, March 31, 2011

Feel - Felt - Found | Objection Handling Model

One of the easiest objection handling models to learn and apply. The 3 simple steps remind the sales agent to;
  1. Empathise with the customer letting them know that you understand how they FEEL
  2. Re-assuring the customer that they aren’t the only person that has FELT that way about the topic product / presentation, etc
  3. Educating the customer to inform them what evidence / research / data has FOUND to be correct
In its simplest of applications, it would sound like the following:

“I understand exactly how you feel about the current cost of electricity and gas. Other householders in this region have felt the same way. What we have found at XYZ Energy company is that our price per KW is as much as 10% less than your current retailer, providing a significant annual saving.”

Zig Ziglar - renown sale author and guru - has recommended this same method of objection handling. Zig’s example = “I can understand why you’re not interested. Other people who believed (insert belief here) weren’t interested either. But once they discovered (insert new fact here) there were eager to try it.”

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